The Supreme Court, Republicans, & Roe v. Wade

Greetings, All ~

Well, I am posting in solidarity with the 70% or more of Americans who disagree with the recent Supreme Court actions regarding Roe v. Wade. .. What shock and outrage ~ Trying to undo 50 years of basic CONSTITUTIONAL reproductive rights for women. .. To quote Vice President Kamala Harris, “How dare they!!”

It is a move that the right wing extremists have been plotting for decades ~ and all it took was the installation of a corrupt President who never won the popular vote. .. And the likewise corrupt machinations of Senate Republicans, blocking what would have been 2 Democratic party appointed Supreme Court Justices ~ and then for the same corrupt President to appoint 3 right wing extremist Supreme Court Justices ~ all of whom blatantly lied about their views on Roe v. Wade during their confirmation hearings. .. And their audacity is unparalleled ~ after the Supreme Court draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade had been leaked, Justice Clarence Thomas made some comment to the effect of ~ people having gotten into the habit of objecting to “outcomes they didn’t like” ~ an incredible statement, considering Thomas’s wife had been involved in the January 6th insurrection, and trying to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 election. ..

And, isn’t the Supreme Court overturning Roe objecting to an outcome they didn’t like? Another comment from these Justices was something to the affect that they should not be swayed by public opinion. .. and that their ruling was intended to let the issue be determined by the individual states ~ Representatives elected by the PEOPLE. .. Which is another lie ~ They say the issue should be decided by “the people”, but they refuse to heed the people in making their decision?

The real meaning of that is that these right wing extremist Justices {as well as the rest of the Republican party} are unequivocally and unabashedly ANTI-DEMOCRACY ~ and so are trying to break it. .. Due to the unprecedented corruption of Republicans, this has become a minority-rule situation not only with the Supreme Court, but with the Senate for years, up until the 2020 elections. ..These unconscionable, anti-democratic extremists have no intention of representing the majority of the nation whatsoever. .. For legal precedent, they are citing antiquated laws that date back to the 17th century, and their “justification” of this ruling is that abortion isn’t in the Constitution. .. Well, for that matter women, minorities, and the LGBTQ+ aren’t mentioned in the Constitution either ~ but that hardly means that none of these groups should have basic human and civil rights ~ except that that is what Republicans would have you believe . .. In truth, there is actually a provision in the Constitution for that ~ for laws and issues that were not covered specifically in the document ~ the 9th amendment. .. But based on this deliberately misleading “reasoning” of these extremist right wing Justices, this unparalleled travesty of a ruling actually opens up the doors to revoking many other Constitutional laws ~ including same sex marriage, interracial marriage, and even the right to use contraception. .. And indeed, Justice Alito also stated in his draft statement, that these laws ~ These basic HUMAN RIGHTS ~ might similarly be in question.

So, now more than ever, we need to mobilize to do everything we can to undo this twisted right wing drive toward autocracy and tyranny. .. Write the President, your representatives ~ and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. ..

Here, in this 8 minute interview, former Presidential candidate {and the one who really won the election} and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton discusses just how dangerous this ruling and the Republican agenda is.

Blessings & Thank You ~

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