Republican White Supremacists in Idaho

You Don't Spread Democracy With the Barrel of a Gun


Hello Everyone ~

Not to be “negative” ~ but there are extremely serious issues and events occurring in the US right now. .. Like many people, I am shocked and appalled by recent happenings ~ including but not limited to ~ The Supreme Court draft ruling; the racist, hate crime shooting sprees ~ and another deeply disturbing occurrence ~ The rise of Republican white supremacists in Idaho and other states. ..

These and similar events represent the growing, horrific level of misogyny, racism, and homophobia which now characterize the Republican party. The Republicans have been cultivating this reprehensible line of thinking for decades. .. And now, because of Trump ~ these sick, violent haters are making their move ~ trying to overtake the government at all levels, and the entire nation, so as to force their sickness onto others. ..

Here is an article about events in Idaho, which can only be described as terrorist politics on the part of the Republicans. .. And in a recent news video, one commentator was describing some of the leading candidates of the Midwest ~ including multiple male candidates who had physically abused their wives ~ and horrifically, even one who was actually in prison for MURDERING his wife. ..

Indeed, these white supremacist Republicans have all but consumed Idaho by means of corruption, intimidation, and threats of violence against Democrats and liberals. ..

Hence, it is imperative that we realize and are very clear about exactly what is happening in our nation right now. .. These twisted, corrupt people have ALREADY begun to take over the country {as with the Supreme Court}. .. It is their intention to do so completely ~ and then to revoke numerous basic, human rights that we now have.

So. .. It’s a long article, but please take a moment to have a look, even if only to skim through it. .. I don’t think the mainstream news media has truly conveyed to any degree just how sick, violent, and corrupt Republicans have become. ..

& Thanks,

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