Putin and the Ukraine

Stand With Ukraine Flag


It is a terrible and dangerous time in the world. And nowhere more so than in the Ukraine. On February 24, 2022, President of Russia Vladimir Putin began his heinous war upon the small country. Peaceful and democratic, the Ukraine is now immersed in the horrors of war, and having to fight to maintain its freedom. Fighting against a man who can only be described as the tyrannical meglomaniac leader of Russia ~ and the similarities between Putin and the Ukraine with Hitler are numerous. And it is with numerous lies and much disinformation to the Russian people and its own military that Putin has launched this war. According to Arnold Schwarzenegger, former governor of California, some of the lies told to the Russian military and citizens include ~ that the war is being waged to “de-Nazify” the Ukraine; that the Ukrainians would welcome Russian soldiers as heroes; that the soldiers were only going on military exercises; that they were going to protect ethnic Russians in the Ukraine. In Russia, anyone speaking out or protesting the war has been arrested ~ including people who were only carrying blank signs.

But what are the real reasons behind Putin’s horrible war? Aside from wanting to take control of the Ukraine, Putin is also waging this war against democracy itself. In 1989, Putin was with the KGB {Russia’s secret police}, stationed in East Germany when the cold war ended and the Berlin wall fell. Putin and his cohorts found themselves in fear for their careers, their lives. Putin survived and was able to continue his political career in Russia, but from this experience he took away that democracy and freedom were undesirable things.

He was in and out of high political offices until 2012, when he took final control of Russia as it’s President, and has been trying to undermine global democracies the entire time. He supported Brexit, and far right factions in Spain, France, and the U.S. in order to weaken the countries and the global democratic alliance. And as we now know, in 2016 he helped spread disinformation and rig the Presidential election so that Trump could take the oval office. And in 2020, Putin launched one of the biggest cyber attacks in world history against the U.S.

And Putin’s unprovoked war on the Ukraine has been his most horrendous act. Russian troops have been attacking and bombing the Ukraine indescriminately, causing countless civilian deaths, including a children’s hospital. On March 16, 2022, Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, addressed the U.S. Congress. He was asking the rest of the free world to intervene with a no-fly zone over the Ukraine, and as drastic sanctions and economic measures as are possible. Zelenskyy showed a video ~ full of horrific scenes from the war torn Ukraine. He got a standing ovation ~ and President Biden has already authorized/ supplied the Ukraine with nearly 16 billion dollars of military and humanitarian aid, as well as imposing the most severe sanctions on Russia.

But Putin has responded that such measures will only spur his violent intentions ~ and, he has threatened to start using nuclear weapons. Putin being a complete meglomaniac and so similar to Hitler, the U.S and the rest of the world have to take this threat seriously ~ No one but Putin wants to start World War III. That is why a no-fly zone over the Ukraine has not been declared ~ because it would require shooting down Russian planes.

So what recourse do the U.S.  ~ and the 30 other countries that have supplied aid to the Ukraine ~ have? Well, this might sound extreme, but perhaps at this point Biden and the leaders of other nations should be considering assassination. It might seem radical and inhumane, but consider this ~ if we had had the choice between Hitler’s life and those of all he murdered in genocide or war ~ which should we have chosen? This is exactly the same. Every day Putin continues as the leader of Russia, is another day countless more people are murdered in his horrible war. Civilians ~ innocents ~ children. .. are their lives worth so much less? In our country, if one person murders another, they might get the death penalty. ONE man, albeit leader of a country, wants to go to war, so thousands of people have to die?  And worse, Putin could start using nuclear weapons at any time.  So while it is true that Love is the strongest force in the Universe, and that it is imperative for Humanity to survive ~ clearly there are evils Love alone cannot overcome. Can the Ukrainians Love Russia into ceasing its terrible war? Could the Jewish people have Loved Hitler into desisting the horror of his genocide? Of course, tragically, the answer is a resounding NO. Were the Ukraine to try that, no doubt they would be completely overrun and enslaved by Russia within days. No ~ Terrible as it may seem, there are evils so extreme that the only way to stop them is to eliminate them.  Hitler was one of these horrific evils. Putin is another. And not to eradicate these evils is to allow them to flourish, destroying and forcing their sickness onto others. Where is the justice in that?

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